Thursday 24 January 2013

The First Hindi Lines I fall in Love With....



August 18, 2011

12:15 A.M., GFC, IISc 


ऋतु वसंत का सुप्रभात था ,

मंद- मंद था अनिल बह रहा।

बालारुण की मृदु किरणे थीं।

अगल- बगल स्वर्णाभ शिखर थे।

एक- दूसरे से विरहित हो,

अलग- अलग रहकर ही जिनको,

सारी रात बितानी होती,

निशा काल से चिर अभिशापित,

बेबस उस चकवा- चकवी का,

बंद हुआ क्रंदन , फिर उनमें ..

उस महान सरवर के तीरे ...

शैवालों की हरी दरी पर,

प्रणय- कलह छिड़ते देखा है।

बादल को घिरते देखा है। 

 कहाँ गया धनपति कुबेर वह ..

कहाँ गयी उसकी वह अल्का ?

नहीं ठिकाना कालिदास के,

व्योम प्रवाहित गंगाजल का।

ढूँढा बहुत  किन्तु लगा क्या-

-मेघदूत का पता कहीं पर।

कौन बताये वह छायामय,

बरस पड़ा होगा न यहीं पर।

जाने दो , वह कवि कल्पित था।

मैंने तो भीषण जाड़ों में,

नभ चुम्बी कैलाश शीर्ष पर,

महामेघ को झंझानिल से,

गरज- गरज भिड़ते देखा है।

बादल को घिरते देखा है। 



  1. Oh my favorite... have you read 'Satpura ke ghane jungle' by him?

    1. Hey Jyo, I can't forget all those different kinds of 'patte'....sade patte, gale patte, sookhe patte, hare patte.....

      but that was not written by Nagarjuna....!! and From today, I am going to read your blog right from the beginning....!! :)

  2. Oh yes I was wrong its by Bhavani Prasad Mishra. Seems I am confused with another of his poem.

    Wow! with one comment I got a dedicated reader :D
    Thank you!

  3. Guess what! while i was writing the comment above, I had the name of "Sumitranandan Pant" in my mind....finally the confusion is clear, "in its own way"!! :P

  4. :)
    Funny when you say... "I can't forget all those different kinds of 'patte'....sade patte, gale patte, sookhe patte, hare patte..."
    I connect that poem more with one of my friends who somehow loved it. My fav even then was the larger than life, awe inspiring expansiveness of 'Badal ko ghirte dekha hai'

  5. Since I believe we share the a cosmic comfort zone, I can now share my inspirations behind my writings.. (ha ha...m talking as if i have become a great writer!! :P )

    1. this poem of NAGARJUNA...infact, even till last year, i prefer this poem to recite in any competition i participate....
    2. my another mom (as i call her, my hindi teacher) who instigated in me the seed of creation...
    2. my class teacher of 9th class....who knowingly or unknowingly developed a deep passion for hindi, hindi poetry, hindi novel, hindi writers....and sometime, i would love to share her (my ma'am's) life as well with you...

  6. Yep, cosmic comfort zone :)

    Thanks for sharing! Teachers can be amazing.
    I'm starting to learn- how to teach- from my students, nowadays :)
